viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015



“It's not always rainbows and butterflies. It's compromise that moves us along.”
- Maroon 5

"Its much more interesting to embrace who you really are rather then waste energy pretending to be someone else".

-Adam Levine


“Not that i didnt care, its that i didnt know, its not that I didn't feel it's what I didn't show” 
-Maroon 5

"If you want to feel rich 
just count all the things you have 
that money can´t buy".
- Adam Levine

"I think the classic Maroon 5 song is minor, and it has some funk, Nile Rodgers-style guitar and the lyrics are probably about getting your heart broken. So minor, funk and heartbreak, that’s the Maroon 5 formula."
-James Valentine

"I would gladly hit the road get up and go if i knew that someday it would lead me back to you".
-Maroon 5

“I’m very romantic about my city, I love what California stands for being progressive and sort of thinking ahead. Californians are a very different kind of people, I think, this amazing bubble of warmth, It’s a great driving town too. I’ve just always really loved it here and thought that I’d live here forever, the singer continues. I’ve never had any desire to live anywhere else".                 
                                           -Adam Levine

"You say its too late to make it,
but is it too late to try?
-Maroon 5

“We spend so much time on the road together that you have to think of it like a relationship,”. “That way, all this doesn’t feel like it’s impinging on our life. It is our life.”
- Jesse carmichael

I was afraid of the dark, but now it´s all that i wan´t!
- Maroon 5

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